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В ближайшее время с вами свяжется менеджер для уточнения деталей
PrecisionРабочая станция Dell Precision 7820 Tower, Intel Xeon Silver 4210R, 2,2 ГГц, твердотельный накопитель SATA 2,5 дюйма, 256 ГБ + жесткий диск 2 ТБ, 7200Intelligent Performance Brainpower that matches yours: The latest Intel ® Xeon ® vPro ® processor Scalable Family powers your most demanding applications. Now featuring a new generation of dual-socket architecture with up to 28 cores per processor (or up to 56 cores when built with dual processors) so you can extract maximum performance for your greatest vision. Accelerate every project: Run your software as fast as possible and get real-time results thanks to this memory expandable machine with up to 768GB of 2933 MHz RDIMM memory. Drown out distraction: Focus on your tasks with the workstation that’s quieter than ever. A new multichannel thermal design delivers advanced cooling and acoustics for enhanced cooling and quiet operation when your0 448305448305RUB448305RUB
Рабочая станция Dell Precision 7820 Tower, Intel Xeon Silver 4210R, 2,2 ГГц, твердотельный накопитель SATA 2,5 дюйма, 256 ГБ + жесткий диск 2 ТБ, 7200 в Кропоткине
Код товара: 01936cd7-e97a-c1f5-3016-45ee9915466f
Intelligent Performance Brainpower that matches yours: The latest Intel ® Xeon ® vPro ® processor Scalable Family powers your most demanding applications. Now featuring a new generation of dual-socket architecture with up to 28 cores per processor (or up to 56 cores when built with dual processors) so you can extract maximum performance for your greatest vision. Accelerate every project: Run your software as fast as possible and get real-time results thanks to this memory expandable machine with up to 768GB of 2933 MHz RDIMM memory. Drown out distraction: Focus on your tasks with the workstation that’s quieter than ever. A new multichannel thermal design delivers advanced cooling and acoustics for enhanced cooling and quiet operation when your
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